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My team uses SSO. How do I log into Pequity?

If your company uses single sign-on, logging into Pequity is simpler than ever!

No need to memorize a new login or password - just use what you already have 🥳 Just navigate to your company's Pequity URL, and you will be automatically redirected to your SSO provider's login page.

Screen_Shot_2023-02-24_at_12.21.56_PM.png Screen_Shot_2023-02-24_at_12.23.02_PM.png         A Quick Guide to Spring Boot Login Options | Okta Developer

Simply enter the same email and password combination you use to access your company's email provider account, and you're in!


NOTE: Pequity supports a variety of SSO service providers (ie. Google, Okta, & Jumpcloud), so your unique login screen will look different depending on the application your company uses.


Having trouble accessing ranges or permissions after logging in with SSO? Please reach out to